
15-17 September 2025, Warsaw, Poland

12th International Scientific Conference
Gambling Disorder & Other Behavioural Addictions

About the Event

Dear Colleagues,

We kindly invite you to participate in the XII International Scientific Conference on Gambling Disorder and Other Behavioural Addictions, which is a continuation of periodically held international conferences dedicated to presenting the results of new research in the field of behavioural addictions and reflecting on their use in therapeutic and preventive practice.

The objective of the conference is to strengthen cooperation between the scientific community and practitioners, enabling representatives of various scientific disciplines to exchange knowledge and experience, learn about the current state of research, define the needs and directions of development in the field of prevention of gambling disorders and behavioural addictions.

The conference is aimed primarily at people who are academically engaged in the field of behavioural addictions or problem behaviors more broadly, and representatives of communities that have an impact on reducing the problem of behavioural disorders.

The conference is hosted by the Polish National Centre for Prevention of Addictions and the Polish Foundation for Humanitarian Aid „Res Humanae”.

The event is held in Polish and English.

The conference is co-financed by the Polish Gambling Problem Solving Fund.

Call for abstract

If you wish to make a speech in one of the selected aspects of behavioural addictions, please send us your Proposal before December 30, 2024.

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